ROB 498 /599: Computational Human-Robot Interaction Fall 2024

Note: the schedule is subject to change. Please check back here and on Piazza for updates.

# Date Topic Reading Deadline
1 Mon Aug 26 Introduction Minerva | Computational HRI
2 Wed Aug 28 Bayesian inference Prob. Rob. Ch 2 | Bayes slides Knowledge survey due
Mon Sep 2 No class - Labor Day
3 Wed Sep 4 Filtering Prob. Rob. Ch 3, 4 | Particle filters | Kalman filters Team formation due
4 Mon Sep 9 Motion planning Heuristic search | Sampling-based | CHOMP
5 Wed Sep 11 Model Predictive Control MPPI | Navigation | Handovers
6 Mon Sep 16 HRI systems* Design and Control of a Bipedal Robotic Character
main: Computer Gaze; con: Em&M
An affective guide robot in a shopping mall
main: Robln; con: JAM
7 Wed Sep 18 Nonverbal signaling* Robot Gaze Behaviors in Human-to-Robot Handovers
main: Navigation; con: Connor + Evan + Sammie
Gaze Complements Control Input for Goal Prediction During Assisted Teleoperation
main: DR. Robot; con: Placeholder 1
8 Mon Sep 23 Implicit communication* Legibility and predictability of robot motion
main: Cool Beans; con: Minerva
Generative Expressive Robot Behaviors using Large Language Models
main: Em&M; con: Computer Gaze
9 Wed Sep 25 Social norms* Human-robot proxemics: physical and psychological distancing in human-robot interaction
main: JAM; con: Robln
How to approach humans?: strategies for social robots to initiate interaction
main: Connor + Evan + Sammie; con: Navigation
10 Mon Sep 30 Planning under uncertainty MDPs | POMDPs | Intention-aware MP
11 Wed Oct 2 Learning from demonstration Proposal due
12 Mon Oct 7 Guest Lecture:
Heni Ben Amor
Human Level Competitive Robot Table Tennis
13 Wed Oct 9 Handovers* Affordance-Aware Handovers With Human Arm Mobility Constraints
main: Placeholder 1; con: DR. Robot
Learning Human-to-Robot Handovers from Point Clouds
main: Minerva; con: Cool Beans
Mon Oct 14 No class - Fall study break
14 Wed Oct 16 Simulation* Social force model for pedestrian dynamics
main: Computer Gaze; con: Em&M
HABITAT 3.0: A co-habitat for humans, avatars, and robots
main: Robln; con: JAM
15 Mon Oct 21 Guest Lecture:
Peter Schaldenbrand
16 Wed Oct 23 Experiment design A primer for conducting experiments in HRI
17 Mon Oct 28 Benchmarking Fluency | Godspeed | NASA TLX | RoSAS
18 Wed Oct 30 Project update presentations Project update due
19 Mon Nov 4 Social Navigation
20 Wed Nov 6 Human-robot collaboration* Anticipatory Robot Assistance for the Prevention of Human Static Joint Overloading in Human–Robot Collaboration
main: Navigation; con: Connor + Evan + Sammie
Human-Robot Cooperative Object Manipulation with Contact Changes
main: DR. Robot; con: Placeholder 1
21 Mon Nov 11 Guest Lecture:
Michelle Zhao
Conformalized Teleoperation
22 Wed Nov 13 Shared control* Human-Robot Mutual Adaptation in Shared Autonomy
main: Cool Beans; con: Minerva
Human-in-the-Loop Optimization of Shared Autonomy in Assistive Robotics
main: Em&M; con: Computer Gaze
23 Mon Nov 18 Assistive robotics* CaBot: Designing and Evaluating an Autonomous Navigation Robot for Blind People
main: JAM; con: Robln
Feel the Bite: Robot-Assisted Inside-Mouth Bite Transfer using Robust Mouth Perception and Physical Interaction-Aware Control
main: Connor + Evan + Sammie; con: Navigation
24 Wed Nov 20 Guest Lecture: Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee Transfer depends on acquisition
25 Mon Nov 25 Ethics* Trust and Bias in Robots
main: Placeholder 1; con: DR. Robot
Beyond Asimov: The Three Laws of Responsible Robotics
main: Minerva; con: Cool Beans
Wed Nov 27 No class - Thanksgiving
Mon Dec 2 Project office hours
26 Wed Dec 4 Final project presentations
27 Mon Dec 9 Final project presentations
Wed Dec 11 Final report due

* indicates student-led discussion

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